The Signs of a Blocked Sewer Line

Spit pipe blocked up with branches and mud

Wondering if your sewer line might be blocked? Knowing the early signs of trouble can help you avoid a real mess at home.

In this article, we’ll walk you through how to spot the warning signs of a blocked sewer line, what these signs could mean, and the steps you should take to tackle the issue.

With some plumbing knowledge and quick action, you can avoid expensive repairs and major inconveniences. Let’s take a closer look at keeping your sewer lines clear and your home safe!

Recognising the Early Signs of a Blocked Sewer Line

Keeping your sewer line clear is incredibly important — not just for keeping your home’s plumbing system in check, but also for your health.

A blocked sewer line is an annoying disruption to your daily routine, and it can also lead to serious property damage and expensive repairs if you don’t address it fast.

A blockage can happen for a number of reasons — invasive tree roots, a build-up of food or soap scum from your sink or bathroom, or even foreign objects down the drain.

Recognising the early signs can save you a lot of trouble and a lot of money.

Common Signs of a Blocked Sewer Line

Man Inspecting Sewer

Drainage Problems

The first tell-tale sign of a potential blockage? Misbehaving drains.
If you notice that your sinks and bathtubs are draining slower than usual, or if there are consistent clogs across different fixtures, it’s likely caused by a problem deep in your sewer line.

Gurgling Sounds

Another common sign is gurgling sounds from your drains or toilets.
This weird noise happens when air gets trapped and then suddenly released into your plumbing system. If you pick up on an annoying little gurgle from your plumbing, it could be a sewer issue.

Strange Smells

Weird odours are also a dead giveaway for a blocked sewer line.

If there’s a persistent bad smell coming from your drains or a lingering stench outside near your sewage lines, it could be from waste building up. This is a sign of either a blockage or a break in your piping.

Water Back-Ups

The last major sign is water backing up, especially in unexpected places.

For example, some people with sewer blockages might flush their toilet… only to find water coming back up in their bathtub or shower. That’s a clear indicator that something in your sewer line needs immediate attention.

Why Immediate Action is Necessary

Want to avoid severe consequences? Don’t ignore the signs of a blocked sewer line.

When the warning signs are overlooked, the situation can escalate quickly — leading to some serious impacts that can impact your health and your property.

Health Risks

A blocked sewer line can lead to sewage backup, exposing you and your household to harmful bacteria and pathogens.

This kind of exposure isn’t just unpleasant; it can also pose some serious health risks, like infections and respiratory issues.

What’s worse, standing sewage can also lead to mould, further compromising air quality and health.

Property Damage

As the blockage worsens, the risk of sewage backup in your home grows.

This can cause massive water damage to your floors, walls, and furnishings. In the end, you’ll just be left with expensive repairs and replacements.

Over time, persistent moisture from unresolved backups can weaken the structural elements of your home, leading to dangerous long-term damage that will cost you a lot of money to fix.

Increased Repair Costs

The longer a blockage is left to cause damage, the more complicated and expensive the repair process becomes.
What might start as a simple fix can become a major project (and headache) requiring the extensive cleaning, repair, or even replacement of huge parts of your home’s plumbing system.
Early action will help you avoid those costs and prevent those annoying interruptions to your daily routine that come with major sewer repairs.

Professional Solutions to Blocked Sewer Lines

Man cleaning blocked drain

Dealing with a sewer line blockage? You need the services of a professional plumber. It’s not just helpful — it’s essential.

The Relining Company are your go-to plumbing experts. We specialise in advanced solutions that get to the heart of the problem, diagnose it, and repair your sewer issues.

Here’s some more information on how we fix your blockage problem.

CCTV Drain Inspections

The first step is getting an accurate diagnosis of the problem. In other words, we find out what exactly is going wrong inside your sewer line.

We use state-of-the-art CCTV technology to inspect your sewer line. It’s a non-invasive method that lets our plumbers see the exact location and cause of the clog or damage within your pipes.

Whether it’s accumulated debris, a build-up of grease, or invasive tree roots, our cameras reveal it all. That way, we can make sure we get the right fix for the problem.

Drain Cleaning

If you have a clog formed by debris, grease, or some other material, we start with a serious clean-up of your pipes.

Using high-pressure water jets, we remove any obstructions in your plumbing and restore your mainline and other pipes to their full functionality.

A solid cleaning like this will prevent slow draining and future backups from disrupting your day.

Pipe Relining

Once we’ve identified the problem area and cleaned your pipes, we begin the pipe relining process. So, what is pipe relining? We’re glad you asked!

It’s a no-dig solution to repair your blocked sewer line. After a solid clean, we insert a new lining into your existing pipe. The new lining hardens and seals any breaks or weaknesses in the pipe wall.

So, not only will the current blockage be solved, but you’ll also be safeguarded against future issues — all without the need for extensive excavation around your house!

Preventative Measures

Man preparing for pipe relining

To keep your sewer lines clear and functioning, you need to take some preventative measures.

Even a few simple daily habits can seriously reduce the chances of future blockages. You can say goodbye to plumbing problems and hello to pipe perfection!

Proper Disposal of Grease

One of the most common causes of sewer line blockages is grease build-up.

Instead of pouring grease down your kitchen sink, it’s best to let it cool and solidify and then throw it away in your rubbish bin.

This simple step will eliminate grease sticking to the inside of your sewer pipes.

Avoid Flushing the Wrong Materials

Toilets are not garbage disposal units. We shouldn’t need to say it, but some people (mostly kids) need to hear it.

Avoid flushing anything other than human waste and toilet paper down your toilet. Other things like wipes, sanitary products, and even flushable wipes can seriously clog your system.

Make sure everyone in your household knows what and what not to flush. It’s the best way to avoid blockage problems.

Regular Maintenance Checks

Lastly, you should schedule regular inspections with a trusted professional plumber.

They can catch issues before they escalate to major problems. These maintenance checks will help your plumber identify potential problems, like minor clogs or tree root intrusions, and get them addressed ASAP.

Repair Your Blockage Before It’s Too Late

If you’ve spotted the early signs of a blocked sewer line, you need to act fast before you face serious damage and expensive repairs.

Don’t let minor issues escalate into major disruptions. If you’re in the Greater Sydney area, The Relining Company is here to help!

We’re your local experts, ready to provide repairs and maintenance to keep your sewer lines clear and functional.

If you’re dealing with a blockage or simply want some peace of mind, schedule a zero obligation inspection today!

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