Different Materials That Can Cause Blocked Pipes And How to Deal With Them

Drain blockages are one of the most common reasons customers contact The Relining Company. Being aware of common drain hazards and how to stop certain… Continue reading Different Materials That Can Cause Blocked Pipes And How to Deal With Them


Common Household Items That Can Cause Drain Blockages

Can you tip oil down the kitchen sink? Are flushable wipes the same as toilet paper? Are drain covers really necessary in the bathroom? Whether… Continue reading Common Household Items That Can Cause Drain Blockages


How to Keep Drains Clean and Healthy Long Term

Having to repair or replace drainage systems can be a costly and inconvenient process. When it comes to plumbing, taking steps to prevent problems like… Continue reading How to Keep Drains Clean and Healthy Long Term


How Much Does Drain Unblocking Cost?

Discover everything you need to know about the cost of unblocking a drain from quick fixes to long term solutions that revamp the plumbing in your whole house or business.


How Long Does It Take to Unclog a Drain?

Dealing with a clogged drain can be a headache and disrupt your day. Find out how long the process takes to unclog, and how it all works, so you can remove the stress from your next plumbing issue.


The Cost of Professional Drain Cleaning

Professional drain cleaning provides a reliable solution to clogged drains, providing an efficient and effective service that often can’t be matched by DIY methods. The cost of hiring a professional can vary, but by how much? And what impacts price? Find out here.


Who is Responsible for Blocked Pipes in Sydney Rentals?

Determining responsibility for blocked pipes in Sydney rentals can be a complex issue. It’s essential for both parties to understand their obligations as outlined in the lease agreement and to communicate promptly when plumbing issues arise. Find out more in our blog.


How to Find the Cause of Blocked Drains In Your Home Plumbing

Dealing with a blocked drain at home? It’s a headache that most homeowners have dealt with at one point or another. The fastest way to… Continue reading How to Find the Cause of Blocked Drains In Your Home Plumbing


Emergency Drain Cleaning Services in Sydney

Professional drain cleaning can help you to avoid a much larger problem from forming in your drains. Sometimes, however, emergencies happen. Check out this blog for more information.


The Signs of a Blocked Sewer Line

Wondering if your sewer line might be blocked? Knowing the early signs of trouble can help you avoid a real mess at home. In this… Continue reading The Signs of a Blocked Sewer Line


How Do I Know My Drain is Blocked?

In this blog, you’ll learn the key indicators that suggest a blockage in your drainage system. We offer practical advice on how to identify these warning signs early, helping homeowners take swift action to resolve potential issues before they escalate.


Top 6 Natural Remedies for Unblocking Drains

This blog explores eco-friendly and cost-effective methods to clear blocked drains using common household ingredients. We explore how some natural substances can effectively dissolve clogs without the need for harsh chemicals. This blog provides homeowners with safe and simple solutions to keep their drains running smoothly.


How to Know When A Blocked Drain Requires Immediate Attention

A blocked drain may seem like a simple annoyance, but it can be the catalyst for significant plumbing problems that require swift emergency intervention. It’s… Continue reading How to Know When A Blocked Drain Requires Immediate Attention


Signs of a Blocked Drain

When it comes to finding and resolving blocked drains, time is of the essence and knowledge is power. This is because an unattended blockage can become… Continue reading Signs of a Blocked Drain


Why We Are The Best At Unblocking Stormwater Drains

Blocked stormwater drains can be a nightmare for homeowners and businesses alike. Not only do they cause inconvenience and unpleasant odours, but they can also… Continue reading Why We Are The Best At Unblocking Stormwater Drains